Learning from a Leader in the Employment Services Industry

As we sat across from one another in the training room of one of Indianapolis’ best places to work I could see evidence of a positive and impacting culture all around me.  There are quotes on the wall to reinforce the core values and flags in a room just beyond from multiple countries promoting the organization’s diversity.

This was not just for show but was an outworking of a culture built on honoring people both within the organization and those they serve.  Morales Group has a vision to create an American Dream machine for the under-served workforce.  They are striving to fulfill this vision in a holistic manner to meet multiple needs of those who enter their doors.

Usually during these conversations I learn the top three leadership principles of a leader.  I did find those out, but in full disclosure they are the principles straight from Patrick Lencioni’s work The Advantage (which I do recommend) of humble, hungry and smart with people.  This was a brief conversation, but these principles were at the foundation of their core values:  be humble, be courageous, be a light.

We continued our conversation and I wanted to learn how he reinforces and maintains such a positive culture in a very transactional industry.  A few practices and concepts became apparent.


We get results on what we inspect.  This organization invests in an engagement survey to determine how their team is producing in this area on a regular basis.  This is not just a one-time tool, but they use the results and make adjustments where needed to improve this area.  This tool helps solidify a culture build on trust and relationships which promotes efficiency and speed.


Legos.  What does this have to do with rewards?  We all are kids deep down and each month an exceptional employee receives a Lego to add to the wall of the house.  The house is representative of the Mexico house build team members participate in.  This process reinforces the positive culture and reminds everyone why they do what they do.


Most companies have stated values, but Morales applies these values.  In my brief time with Seth I experienced his humility.  He first demonstrated that as he came out to meet me and spoke to every employee he passed.  A small action demonstrating great humility.  One of their values is to be a light.  The organization provides 25 hours of PTO to serve in the community as a direct application of this value.  These are only two ways of many which reinforce their cultural values.


Individually and corporately this organization implements accountability.  On an individual level this is the idea of having “radical candor” where conversations are honest and open, but also respectful and loving.  This candor reinforces a culture that has no silos and operates at the speed of trust.  Corporately they choose to have an advisory board who holds them accountable and prevents critical mistakes.

It’s been said that culture eats leadership for lunch.  At the same time the leader influences the culture.  When you look at these principles to reinforce a positive culture, what do you need to improve within your organization or team?  Share with me your thoughts and contact me if you need a thinking partner to help you process changes you need to make in your organization.  Lead well.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler