An Athletic Leader for the Next Generation

“Where do you want to sit?”  I asked my son

“The very top.”  So we climbed up the stairs to the top row of bleachers in the corner of the endzone at the Southern Illinois University football stadium.

Almost a decade earlier I had first met this young man at one of my camps.  He was quiet, but focused . . . rare among Junior High aged boys.  This year is his Senior year in college and my son and I drove about four and a half hours so I could be sure to see him play at least once.

Why would I do that?

Many reasons, but one was because of the kind of man he is becoming.  Yes, he is a great athlete and very good at what he does on the field, but why I wanted my son to be able to watch him and meet him was because of the man he is becoming.

At times people complain about the next generation.  If we are honest, people complained about our generation when we entered the workforce.  I want to share with you three qualities in this young man that makes him a great leader and will continue to help him grow as a leader in whatever he does.


Ever since I’ve known Jeremy he has always exemplified this characteristic.  Let me clarify something.  Humility does not mean thinking less of oneself because he is a very confident young man.  It does mean thinking of oneself less.  Even after the game smiling and willingly giving high fives and talking to young boys and others.  He is good at what he does on the field, but there is no arrogance in him.  He exemplifies the idea of team over self.


I have known Jeremy for at least a decade and my role in his life for years was as a strength and conditioning coach.  If you don’t know much about the role of this coach, everyone loves to hate this coach because he or she pushes you to do what you do not want to do.  In the six plus years I coached him I cannot remember him ever complaining (at least not so I could hear it).  He had injuries and setbacks, but he pushed through and never gave up.


One thing I always see on Jeremy is a smile.  Now, I am sure life is not perfect for Jeremy and just like all of us, he has plenty not to be happy about.  He chooses to be positive.  I have talked to him occasionally as he has been at college and even though the season would not be going well, he was always positive.  I am fairly certain this is an intentional choice he makes which is part of what enables him to be a great leader for his teammates.

For those who don’t think there are leaders in the next generation. . . . there are and Jeremy is just one of them.  Now, what about us.  How are we doing at maintaining humility, persevering through our leadership challenges and staying positive?  Need help with breaking through your mental barriers?  Contact me for a complimentary coaching session.  In the meantime, lead well!

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Posted by Randy Wheeler