Mexico Homes of Hope Trip 2024

Homes of Hope Build Trip Ensenada, Mexico 2024

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Homes of Hope Build our family will be participating in from July 5 – 8, 2024. 

Below are a few videos to give you some vision for the experience. 

Click the button if you would like to partner with us financially for this experience.  We are raising $4,108 to help provide two houses to families in Ensada, Mexico.  Thank you for praying and considering partnering with us.

The Story of How We Got to This Point

(We’ve been trying to go since 2020)


Impact of a Home Build on a Family


Donate To Help Us Build a Home

Time Lapse Video of a Two Day Home Build

Donate To Help Us Build a Home

Homes of Hope Informational/Promotional Video

Donate To Help Us Build a Home