The Pain of A Lack of Awareness

I had the opportunity to give my oldest son a unique experience.  At this point in his life he wants to be a pilot so I had a friend who provided an experience for us in a four seater plane.

As we were getting in the plane everyone had boarded the plane and I was the last one to get on.  I rounded the corner to get into the plane and my head smacked into the wing of the plane since they are not very far off the ground as you can see in the picture of one above.  After trying not to shout an expletive and letting the stars clear I quietly got in my seat in the rear of the plane with no one else knowing anything happened.

As I sat in my seat watching my son experience flying a plane I was pondering how often in my life I am blindsided just like I was by that wing.  Life happens and at times the obvious catches me quite off guard just as that wing had.

You see, I knew the wing was there, but maybe I just needed a simple reminder to duck (which I had done on the other side by the way) to avoid an unnecessary thump.

What does all this have to do with leadership?

Awareness – according to the “google” dictionary is “knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact”

What do leaders need to be aware of as they lead?

People – are there people whom you work alongside and/or lead who blindside you because of inadequate communication?  Do you unintentionally blindside others for the same reason?  Who are the key influencers that help move your organization or team forward?  Do you need to help them increase their awareness of the influence they have or can have within the organization?  Are your people in the right seat on the bus as leadership expert Jim Collins describes in his book Good to Great?

Processes – are there systems within your organization, department, or team that slow down effectiveness?  Do you have processes that help work flow smoothly and effectively?  Are you aware of the processes that exist within your organization either organically or intentionally?  What processes do you need to create or evaluate?  Do you need to educate others on processes that will improve work flow and overall organization, group, department, or team effectiveness?

Situation – author Dennis N. T. Perkins in his book Leading at the Edge says “instill optimism and self-confidence, but stay grounded in reality.”  Leaders are continually looking ahead to see where the group can go and tend to be quite optimistic, but are you aware of reality still?  You may want to engage in a high cost project, but you don’t want to be hit upside the head because you do not have the appropriate cash flow to support the venture.  Leaders must see both the opportunity and the reality and that requires awareness.

I look at this limited list and think these three items are overwhelming and there is definitely more to be aware of as a leader.  I can’t do this type of thinking alone . . . I need help . . . someone who will ask me questions and help me think into my situation.  Maybe you feel the same.  If so, contact me and let’s have a free 30 minute coaching session to see how I can help you lead yourself and others better.  Increase your awareness or you may have more than just a bump on your head like I received from the airplane wing.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler