I try to be respectful of the reality that individuals who read this have multiple perspectives on life and faith. For some reason I feel compelled to share something this time that I hope encourages you regardless of your faith perspective.
I find in my life and leadership at work and home the feeling of a heavy burden.
The burden to provide.
The burden to love my wife and children well.
The burden of the stresses of work and growing a business.
The burden of the challenges that come from my children’s choices.
The burden of trying to innovate and create and think ahead both personally and professionally.
The burden of balancing the various aspects of life.
The burden of maintaining healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. These are only a few and I believe you probably can either resonate or add to this list.
As I think of all these burdens Jesus’ words come to mind as encouragement. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). You don’t have to believe everything about Jesus or the Bible. You can take this as a quote by a good leader like you would a quote by Gandhi. What you ultimately believe about Jesus is your choice and I refuse to force you in any way to believe what I believe so if you are done reading at this point I understand, but hope you will continue because I think there is something here that can encourage you as it does me.
You see when I read this it gives me hope. I often feel the burden of life and I can feel it very heavy at times because I am a recovering perfectionist. Here is part of what I see in what Jesus said. There is someone bigger than you who is ultimately in control and will help you carry those burdens. The burden to raise your children alone or in partnership, the burden to provide, the burden to get that project accomplished can be lighter.
I find if I figure out a way to surrender and trust in the One who gave me all those gifts, talents, and abilities and quit trying so hard to do it on my own then He gives me peace amidst the burden. Ultimately I can’t control if someone purchases something from me, does what I want them to do, or approves of my work. My worth and value and trust must be in someone greater than I am and for me that is the Creator of the Universe.
Now you may not believe what I believe, that is fine, but if everything depends on you and there are not others to help you carry the burden, it will crush you. Just as when we were little we may have trusted our parents, at least for a time, find that greater source that you can go to and receive peace amidst the storms of leading at work and home.
Why is this important? When we are in the right state of mind are we able to lead well. If everything depends solely on us as individuals we are quite feeble in comparison to the strength of Him or a team of people you can rely on to get you through. Sometimes that team comes in the form of a coach, a mastermind group, a mentor or something else. So my question is not how far you can carry this burden alone, but on whom will you rely to help you carry your burden? You and I don’t have to do it alone. Release control and know that there is help from a greater source and the community around you.
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