Connecting at Work and Home Part II

Last time we talked about the difficult person that may be in our life.  Maybe you have a really fun person you love to be around.  The type of person who lights up the room or always has a story to tell.

This person often brings lots of energy.  On the other hand, this person may constantly be forgetting something.  From time to time this person may wear you out because of the amount of talking he or she does, or you love listening to this person and have to force yourself to leave so you can get some work done.

Can you picture this person?

Fun, social, positive, but may seem a bit irresponsible or just forgetful.  Maybe this is you, if so thanks for all the positive energy you bring!  If this is not you, how do we communicate in a way that connects with this person?

Like I said last time, we are predictably different so if you live or work with someone like this and you do not understand them try the following strategies to connect better.

  • Give them plenty of time to share their ideas. For some of us this is a test of our patience, but it will make them feel valued
  • Have fun with them when you talk. When the conversation gets a little tense, these people often respond well to being goofy to lighten the mood.
  • Be light on the details. This person may get bogged down by details and will probably forget many of them so keep it simple.
  • Know you will have to follow up with this person. None of us wants to nag, but this individual will probably need extra reminders.

We all have strengths and growth areas so help this individual be in situations where the strength in being social will bring success.  They will like you even more for it and you will be connecting more with them.

Do you know someone with this style?  Is it you?  How can you adjust to connect better with this person the next time you interact with him or her?  If you want to learn your style, go here to invest in an assessment to understand your style and get thirty pages of feedback, tips, and further reflection tools on how to connect with others based on your style.  See you next time.  Lead Well!

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Posted by Randy Wheeler