Connecting at Work and Home Part III

            The first two types of people we discussed are easier to identify because they are outgoing.  This next individual can be hard to identify.  Over sixty percent of the people you meet fit in this category and it’s a good thing!

If you are at a social gathering these individuals will not bring a lot of attention to themselves.  They may stand in a corner sipping their drink but prefer to interact with a few people versus floating around the room.  These individuals are still very sociable, but in a more reserved manner.

These are also the people that when conflict arises, they are great to help bring peace.  Therefore, we should be glad over half the people we interact with have this style.  If not, we would have even more fights on our hands.

So how do we best connect with this steady peacekeeper at work and home?  Here are a few tips:

  • When talking be conscious of having a pleasant and friendly tone
  • If you have a naturally confrontational way of speaking or acting . . . be aware to tone it down
  • Let them know how much you appreciate their loyal dedication
  • Maintain a supportive tone
  • If change is coming, give them time to adjust

This type of person is a wonderful team player and quietly adds tremendous value to you at work or as a helper around the house.  If you know someone like this at work or home, take time to let them know how much you appreciate them and encourage him or her in any area of strength you see.  This little bit of genuine encouragement will inspire them to be even more loyal and help you to connect in a way that matters to them.

Which of these tips do you need to apply in connecting with someone you know with this style?  As a person who leads change, do you need to allow more time for people to adjust since over half the people we interact with have this style?  If you want to learn your style go here to invest in an assessment to understand your style and get thirty pages of feedback, tips, and further reflection tools on how to connect with others based on your style.  Lead Well!

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Posted by Randy Wheeler