Do You Feel Stuck?

A while ago I read a book by leadership expert John Maxwell called Intentional Living.  This book discusses how to live purposefully and not simply run through your life aimlessly.  It seems to me that at each decade of life a new question arises that causes me to think about what really matters.  I recently hit one of those decades.

During this time I have asked myself if I am living as intentionally as possible.  I have not spent these first decades of my life pursuing money and fame, but have sought to develop leaders particularly among the next generation, but can I be more intentional in what I do?  As I read this book I came across a section that discussed how to find your why.  When we know our why in life it makes the “what” of our life much more enjoyable.

John provides three clues to understand your why:

  1. What do you cry about?  Does a certain cause or injustice bring you to tears or are tears caused by a specific pain in your life?
  2. What do you sing about?  Is there something in your life that brings great inner joy such as helping others achieve success?
  3. What do you dream about?  If money were not a concern, what is it that you dream of accomplishing?  Is it something so big you know you can’t do it alone?  If you can do it alone, maybe the dream is not big enough.

Maybe you know these answers and you are in your passion zone, but still feel stuck in a rut.  What can you do?  Here are a few ideas:

  1. Make a change and try a completely new job or role.  Maybe your time where you are is up and you need a new challenge somewhere else if there is not an opportunity where you are.  (Now, this does NOT apply at home just so you know)
  2. Shift your mindset.  Maybe you’ve had a desire to continually be getting and you are at a spot where you need to be giving more to others.  Giving of your wisdom, giving of your time, giving a listening ear all may create a situation where you end up getting out of your rut.
  3. Try to be a rookie at something.  Why do we like getting a new _________ ?  On one level this is because we are invigorated by the challenge of understanding and learning something new, but as we become experienced we can become bored.  What is something you can approach like a rookie?  Maybe a new skill, experience, or taking an appropriate personal or professional risk that will stretch you and make you grow.
  4. Get objective help.  At times we can benefit from someone who will help us think into our business, leadership, and life.  An effective coach will help you do that because they will help you think into your results by asking questions.

This summer I had to help someone get their car out of the mud because they were in a rut with their tires spinning.  Three other men and I gave the driver a push and after spraying mud all over us she was on her way.  If you are stuck in a rut either personally or professionally hopefully this gives you a push to get out.  It probably won’t be clean or easy, but it will be much better than staying stuck in the mud.  Take the first step to lead yourself well in this so you will lead others better.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler