Holiday Self-Leadership Part III

Originally this series was based on a series of videos I did last year.  For this final blog in the series I’m making an adjustment.

I was at the Christmas celebration with my wife’s side of the family.  After our celebration time we reflected on how Christmas can feel less special and meaningful.  All our kids are old enough that the magical feeling has greatly decreased.  After talking ideas came to mind of how to lead and make Christmas less about getting and more about something else.

Engage with Others

As I reflected the next morning, I realized family gatherings personally become less meaningful because I fail to engage those around me.  This specific experience I managed to get myself lost after visiting someone in my wife’s small town and was late . . . but that is a story for another day.  When I finally arrived, I was in my own world and was not engaging well with people around me.  We all have stress, worries and life happening . . . especially this year, but maybe if we take the time to ask questions, listen, and engage with those around us we will experience the joy of relationships and connecting.

Serve Others

While processing this struggle of maintaining the joy of the holidays I realized I need to step up my leadership.  What do I mean?  I wonder what it could look like if I encouraged my family and led the way to adopt a family and provided for their Christmas.  Shift our Christmas from giving gifts to one another to serving a family in need.  For this to be part of our family I need to step up and lead by planning, preparing, and implementing.  Maybe this idea would be good to implement both in your home and your organization.

Focus on the Real Meaning

This part may be different for you than for me.  For me the meaning of Christmas is the love God showed the world by coming as a child to ultimately give us hope and save us.  Now, that may not be the real meaning for you as you.  Maybe the real reason is family, or you have a different faith so it is different for you.  Regardless of faith, a shared meaning of the holidays is they are a time to focus on others and giving.  To focus on the real meaning, intentionally lead ourselves and others in ways that connect with and serve them over serving ourselves.

I realize the end of the year is stressful even without the holidays.  How can you shift your focus slightly so you can enjoy the holiday season more this year?  Share with me.  Enjoy your holiday season and lead well.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler