Leading Everywhere

Leadership is influence . . . .

Do you believe you are a leader?  As long as you are not trapped in solitary confinement you lead someone.  Leadership is simply influence.  Maybe you are a parent . . . you lead your children.  You probably have a job of some sort, even if that is a full-time student . . . you are around people and therefore you influence them.

Did you get out of bed this morning?  Well, you had to influence or lead yourself to get out of bed and begin working on your priorities for the day.  Do you interact with people out in public?  Most likely the answer is yes so you influence them with your attitude and what you say so you are leading them either in a positive or negative direction.

Hopefully you see that no matter what stage of life you are in, you are a leader.  My hope is that anytime you connect with me on this blog you can grow a little as a leader in one of four areas:

  1. Leading at Work – Many stresses come our way at work and multiple demands are placed on us. Sometimes we need encouragement to press on and at times we may need to learn from others.  Hopefully I can help us in this part of the leadership journey.
  2. Leading at Home – As a parent and father of three boys I realize being a parent and spouse are not easy roles to fulfill. At times it feels like you are speaking a different language than your spouse.  Maybe you want to connect better with your children.  Hopefully I can help encourage you in this area of your leadership development.
  3. Leading Self – The most difficult person to lead at times can be the person looking back at us in the mirror. Leading ourselves requires certain habits and disciplines.  Hopefully through learning from the wisdom of others we can get out of our own way when it comes to leading.
  4. Leading others – We are constantly interacting with people and either leading them down a positive or negative path. Often that leading can be as simple as a smile at the grocery store or an encouraging word.

Leadership skills can be developed and many people have written how they have learned to lead others.  Coaches, historians, educators, and more have shared their wisdom and hopefully we can learn from their experience to help us become better leaders.

As we interact through this blog I hope to provide valuable principles that will help you as you lead in multiple areas of your life.  We all lead busy lives so I will introduce you to some thoughts from those who have written on leadership and shared valuable principles as well as principles I have drawn from personal experience.  My hope is each post and any other program you engage in will help increase your awareness so you can grow as a leader.

So are you a leader?

Let’s grow together in this journey.

Lead well at work and home.

©2017 Wheeler Coaching Systems LLC. All rights reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler

1 comment

It’s interesting, I used to believe that leadership was a gift or inborn trait that you either had or didn’t. Through working with Randy and the John Maxwell Training, I am realizing that it is a skill that needs to be developed like any other. And I’m loving the process and results