Memorial Day Leadership

              This is the last Monday of May.  In the United States this is when we remember those who gave their lives so we could have the freedom we experience.  Both my dad and one of my grandfathers served in the military.  My grandfather served as a medic during the second World War.  Though I never discussed it with him I still have a book that recounts pictures from that time.

As I reflect on those who have given their lives for the freedom I experience I think of three words that describe these individuals.  You may not celebrate this holiday where you read, but I would suggest you know of people who have demonstrated these qualities so you can do what you do today as a leader.


Maybe you have heard of the 2016 movie Hacksaw Ridge recounting Pfc. Desmond Doss who courageously saved the lives of 75 individuals during the Battle of Okinawa.  This dramatic example of courage is exemplified by every individual who has raised his or her hand to serve the country.

Leaders go first.  Leaders run into the battle with bullets flying regardless of the cost.  Why?  Not because of an absence of fear, but because courage is moving ahead in spite of fear.  Leaders see the bigger picture and that gives them the courage to go forward despite fear.  Just as many soldiers have moved forward because of the vision of freedom.


Every leader has learned how to follow.  I heard the story of how Intel led at their senior level.  They would have heated discussions and not everyone would agree on the direction to go, but they together decided to “disagree and commit.”  When they left the room, they would all commit to the proposed action that seemed like the next best step.

Soldiers follow a chain of command and may not always agree with what they are asked to do, but they have a duty to follow command trusting their leaders see something they do not.  Leaders may not always feel like doing what they must do, but they have a responsibility because of their position to move ahead despite concerns.  One reminder, as leaders no one should be asked to do something unethical.  At this point duty may be trumped by what is right.  Use your authority and power wisely leader.


“A leader must give up to go up.”

John Maxwell

Those who have died in the line of battle to fight for the freedom of this country have been the ultimate example of sacrifice.  Whether those are individuals on the seashores of Europe or the jungles of Japan or the soil of their own land.  Everyone gave up their life so another could go up and experience more and better.

As a leader you hold your position not for your purpose and power, but I would suggest to serve the purpose of another and empower others.  When leaders help their people succeed, they too eventually succeed.

When you look at these three areas, where do you need to grow?  For those of you who have served our country.  Thank you.  For those of you who have lost loved ones that have been a model of sacrifice your life and leadership will be their legacy.  Thank you and Lead Well.

© 2022 Wheeler Coaching Systems

Posted by Randy Wheeler