Keys to Effective Delegation


As a business leader, you understand the importance of delegating tasks and trusting the process. It can be difficult to manage every aspect of what you lead, so it’s important to recognize when you need to delegate some of your responsibilities to someone else. Delegation can be challenging, but when done correctly, it can be incredibly beneficial to the success of your business.


When delegating tasks, be clear and concise about what needs to be done. Outline the job that needs to be completed, the timeline for completion, and any specific requirements or criteria that need to be met. This will ensure the task is completed correctly and within the time frame needed. It’s also important to communicate your expectations for the task. This gives the person you are delegating to the best chance of success.


One of the most critical aspects of delegation is trust. This may require you to take the time to get to know the person you are entrusting the task to. Ask them questions about their experience and skills, and find out how they would handle different situations. Provide them with smaller tasks to test them and grow your trust. When you’ve determined this person is capable of handling the task, you can know they will complete it correctly and on time.


Provide feedback and support to those you have delegated tasks to. This helps ensure tasks are completed to the best of their abilities, and that the team is working together efficiently and effectively. If you have provided clarity on what you expect up front then feedback will communicate how well they are meeting your expectations.


Remember, trust is earned over time, so be patient and consistent. Don’t expect perfection; mistakes will happen, and that’s OK. When they do, teach, correct, and encourage them so they feel empowered to continue to stretch themselves. Showing respect and understanding will go a long way in building trust and creating a successful delegation relationship.


Which of these areas do you need to grow in with those you lead?  Need help thinking into your leadership and growth?  Contact me for a no-cost to you coaching session.  Keep delegating and lead well.


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Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work