What is Your Leadership Style?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I blow it as a leader emotionally.  I am not calm when I should be or not tough enough when I need to be.  Years ago author and researcher Daniel Goleman introduced the concept of emotional intelligence.

Simply put this is the ability to understand our emotions and regulate them.  After introducing this idea he later wrote the book Primal Leadership which is a worthwhile read if you want a deeper dive into how emotional intelligence impacts our leadership.

Within the pages of this book Goleman introduces us to six different styles people may use in their leadership.  I have outlined them below.


  Moves people toward a shared goal/dream

  • Used when a clear direction is required
  • Example – your team motto, win state, go to college


  Connects peoples desires with big picture goals

  • Used to help someone improve performance by building long-term skills
  • Example – learn how to manage time better so can have skills to do well in school and go to college or start a business


   Connects people to each other

  • Used to help motivate in difficult times, build bonds in team or heal “rifts”
  • Example – being the middle person in a fight between two friends and you help them be able to hear each other out


  Listens to other’s input and develops a plan as a group

  • Used to get people on board with a plan
  • Example – team participation in goal setting, class participation in establishing classroom rules


  Goal setter

  • Used to get results
  • Example – Coach expecting you to go undefeated, parents expecting straight A’s


  Gives clear direction in emergency

  • Used in crises situations or where clear direction is needed for change
  • Example – coach calling a time out and setting up a play with 10 seconds left and you could win the game

At different times and in various situations each of these may be appropriate.  Typically we have a default style.  Which of the above styles is yours?  How well does it serve you?

Personally, under stress I can default to a commanding style.  At times this serves all those around me well, but at other times it creates more problems.  I prefer to operate in a visionary or coaching approach so I can help people connect their goals to what the team needs to accomplish.

Look at the list again and ask yourself or those you lead which approach you tend to use and how you need to adjust to better serve those you lead.  That change can be challenging and if you need a thinking partner to help you in the process let me know.  Don’t be the lid on your leadership, keep growing.  Lead well!

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Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Others