
Generosity: A Key to Team Culture

Since we are coming off the Thanksgiving season and entering the Christmas season I was thinking about how generosity can impact a leader’s team. Are you looking for a way to improve your team’s morale and foster a more positive work environment? Generosity as a leader is a key to creating that environment.

Being a generous leader doesn’t just mean giving out bonuses or perks to your employees. It’s about creating a culture of generosity within your organization that creates a ripple effect on your team’s dynamics and overall success.

So, how can you embody generosity as a leader? Here are a few tips to get you started:

Show Appreciation

Take the time to recognize and appreciate the hard work and effort put in by your team members. A simple thank you or words of encouragement can go a long way in making your employees feel valued.

Share Knowledge and Resources

Leaders who are open and transparent with their teams build trust. Share your knowledge and resources to help them grow and succeed. This builds trust and creates a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Encourage Giving Back

Generosity isn’t just about what you can give to your team, but also about encouraging them to give back to others. In my community, multiple organizations encourage this through a day dedicated to service or time off for the same purpose. Whether volunteering or supporting a charitable cause, fostering a culture of giving back helps create a sense of purpose and fulfillment among your employees.

Lead with Empathy

As a leader, it’s crucial to have empathy for your team members. Understanding their challenges and be supportive during difficult times will strengthen a sense of loyalty and trust within your team.

By embodying these traits of generosity, you can create a more positive and cohesive team that works together towards a common goal. When your team feels appreciated, supported, and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and productive, leading to greater overall success for your organization.

In addition to the benefits for your team, being a generous leader can also positively impact your reputation and your organization’s overall culture. It can attract top talent, improve customer satisfaction, and build a strong, reputable brand.

So, if you’re ready to take your leadership to the next level and create a more positive and cohesive team, consider embracing the power of generosity. Your team will thank you, and your organization will thrive as a result. Need help thinking into more ways to develop a generous culture?  Contact me for a thinking partner call. Lead well.


© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Others

Gratitude in Leadership

This time of year gets me thinking about gratitude. Some of us this may come naturally, but for me I have to be intentional to focus my thoughts and be grateful.

Gratitude isn’t just a feel-good emotion or a trend that’s come and gone. It’s actually a game-changer when it comes to leadership. When I cultivate an attitude of gratitude, I improve my mindset and well-being, set a positive example for others, and create a more positive and productive work environment.

So, let’s look at how gratitude can positively affect our leadership.

Focused on Present

First and foremost, gratitude helps you stay grounded and focused on the present moment. As a leader, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless to-do lists, deadlines, and challenges that come your way. But when you take the time to pause and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for, whether it’s a supportive team, a loyal client, or even just a beautiful sunrise, you shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance. This mindset shift helps you navigate through tough times with grace and resilience and helps you make better decisions and lead with clarity and purpose.

Strengthens Relationships

Gratitude also strengthens your relationships with your team. You build trust and loyalty when you appreciate your employees’ hard work and contributions. Your team members feel seen, heard, and valued, and they’re more likely to feel motivated and inspired to go above and beyond for you and the company. In a Glassdoor survey they found that 81% of people are more motivated to work hard when their boss appreciates their work.1 Creating a culture of gratitude within your organization creates a sense of community and belonging, which can combat low morale and create a more positive and harmonious work environment.

Creates A Mindset

Gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you” every now and then. It’s about embodying a grateful mindset in everything you do. It’s about taking the time to reflect on the positive aspects of your work and personal life, and practicing empathy and compassion toward others, especially during challenging times. Leading with gratitude sets the tone for a workplace where optimism, collaboration, and resilience thrive.

So, where do you start? Here are a few simple gratitude practices you can incorporate into your leadership style:

1. Start a gratitude journal: Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you’re grateful for. This simple practice helps you shift your focus from what’s lacking to what you already have.

2. Express gratitude to your team: Make it a habit to recognize and appreciate your employees’ efforts and accomplishments regularly. Whether it’s a personal note, a public acknowledgment, or a small token of appreciation, these gestures can go a long way in boosting morale and strengthening your relationships with your team.

3. Lead with empathy: When faced with challenges or conflicts, approach them with empathy and understanding. Try to see things from your employees’ perspectives and show appreciation for their efforts and resilience in overcoming obstacles.

Remember, gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform your leadership style and elevate your team’s performance. So, embrace the power of gratitude, and watch as it transforms your leadership and team for the better. Need an extra resource to help you if you struggle with having an attitude of gratitude?  Go here for a resource on winning the mental battle with gratitude.  Lead Well.

© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

  1. https://www.glassdoor.com/employers/blog/employers-to-retain-half-of-their-employees-longer-if-bosses-showed-more-appreciation-glassdoor-survey/ retrieved 11/22/23


Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work, Lead Others

Leading With Influence . . . Not Control

Confession:  I am a recovering control freak.  I don’t HAVE to be in charge, but I don’t mind leading, especially if there is not someone who wants to.

Recently I have been reading the book Herding Tigers by Todd Henry.  In this book about leading creative teams, he makes a statement that applies to leading any team:

“Influencers teach principles; control freaks deal in absolutes.”

I am going to unpack this a bit for us to help us learn how to lead from influence instead of control.  Let’s look at the ABC’s of leading from influence instead of control.

Appreciate Individuality

Each of us is different, and we are predictably different.  Whether this is our personality and how we communicate or what gives us energy in how we approach our work.  Everyone has various backgrounds and experiences; therefore, our individual perspectives can help improve a project in various ways.  As the leader, take time to appreciate individual differences and allow people to reach the goal in their unique way.

Be Clear on Expectations

I am not suggesting that as we appreciate individuality we lead chaos.  The best way to think of this is creating a fence.  When we were kids and played on a playground if we had a fence we felt free to roam anywhere within the boundary.  Your team needs a clear objective and a fence to clarify what lines not to cross.  Remember, though, do not make the fence so small the team feels no freedom to use their individual gifts, talents, and unique ways of thinking.

Expectations create the principles to guide a team.  The objective defines the result you desire.  Be clear on both and allow your team freedom to get there how they want.

Consider Your Team’s Perspective

As a leader, you have multiple projects you manage and responsibilities to take care of.  If you are not careful, you may fly in and dump your expectations without slowing down to consider the team.  How much capacity does the team have?  Do they need some training from you?  Because of their personalities, do they need time to ask questions?

When delegating to your team or starting up a new initiative, slow down enough to listen and learn where they are.  You probably are ten steps ahead and may need to slow down to meet them where they are.   Walk with them awhile and give them principles to help them make their own decisions.  Teach them how to think and don’t do the thinking for them.  They will feel empowered and not controlled.

Determine What is Best for the Team

You have been thinking about your vision for months.  You probably think it is a great idea.  May I suggest you slow down a minute to get input from the team?  If we plow ahead and dictate, people will feel controlled and not heard.

Paint the picture of where you want to go and then listen to what your team is saying.  They may know something you have not considered.  They have unique perspectives and as a group you must consider what is best for the team not just some individual’s ego.  The team may not be in unanimous agreement, but if most agree the action is best for the team then move forward.

Control feels fast while influence feels slow.  The reality is when we lead by influence more people take ownership and we build a team.  Alone we can go fast, but with a team we can go far.  When you look at these four areas, which do you need to grow in?  Need help talking through some challenging issues with your team?  Consider The Maxwell Leadership Game as a tool to help open up communication on your team.  Keep growing your influence and growing your team.  Lead well.

© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work

Unleash Your Inner Fearlessness

Leadership is no cakewalk, is it? The constant pressure to innovate, keep up with the competition, and make pivotal decisions can leave even the most accomplished entrepreneurs on edge. Fear can easily creep in, stifling your potential for growth and hindering you and your company’s growth.

Well, fret no more! In today’s blog post, we’re diving deep into the realm of fear in leadership and uncovering ways to overcome it. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s get ready to unleash your inner fearlessness.

Identify the Fear Factors
Fear can manifest in different ways, from the fear of failure to the fear of making unpopular decisions. Begin by pinpointing the specific fears that tend to derail your leadership. Awareness is the first step towards overcoming them.

Embrace Vulnerability
Leadership is synonymous with strength, right? While strength is indeed essential, embracing vulnerability can be equally powerful. Acknowledging your fears and sharing them with your team creates an atmosphere of trust and transparency, fostering a stronger company culture.

Leverage Prior Successes
Remember those times you conquered hurdles and achieved remarkable results? Take a moment to reflect on your past successes and remind yourself that you are more than capable of overcoming any challenge that lies ahead. Draw strength from your prior achievements.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset
Fear often stems from a fixed mindset, limiting your ability to see beyond the challenges. Nurture a growth mindset, focusing on continuous learning and improvement. Embrace the belief that you can develop your skills and rise above any obstacles.

Build a Support Network
Fear can be isolating, but you don’t have to face it alone. Seek out mentorship and surround yourself with trusted advisors who can offer guidance and support. Collaborating with like-minded individuals can inject fresh perspectives and provide the encouragement you need.

Take Calculated Risks
Fear thrives on the unknown, so arm yourself with thorough research and analysis. Ditch the overthinking and embrace calculated risks. Trust your instinct and make well-informed decisions, knowing that setbacks are often stepping stones to success.

Foster a Positive Environment
As a leader, the energy you bring to the table matters. Set the tone by fostering a positive work environment that encourages your team to take risks, learn from failures, and grow. An atmosphere of psychological safety empowers everyone to push their boundaries and contribute to transformative growth in every way.

Remember, fear is nothing more than an illusion that holds you back. Great leaders face their fears head-on and rise above them. By implementing these strategies, you will conquer your fears and unlock new opportunities that seemed impossible before.

So, business leaders, it’s time to step out of the shadows of fear and into fearless leadership. Which of these areas do you need to grow in?  Need help thinking into how to break through your fear barriers?  Contact me for a powerful coaching session to help you reach the next level.  Lead well.


© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Yourself

Supercharge Your Team’s Performance: Create a Communication Structure that Works

Effective communication is the key to success in the fast-paced world of leading. Without it, misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities can abound. As the team leader, establishing a well-structured communication system will reduce these problems. In this blog, I will share ideas for creating a robust communication structure to transform your team into a harmonious powerhouse. Let’s get started!

Define Clear Objectives and Expectations

To foster effective communication, begin by setting clear objectives and expectations. Transparency and clarity provide a roadmap for your team. Clearly define the purpose, goals, and performance indicators of every project. When everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities, there is no room for ambiguity.

Encourage Open Dialogue and Active Listening

Strong communication is a two-way street. Develop an environment that encourages open dialogue and freedom to express concerns. This allows for diverse perspectives and promotes innovative solutions. Remember, active listening is crucial. This skill helps team members understand each other’s viewpoints and strengthens collaborations.

Establish Formal Communication Channels

Formal communication channels ensure messages are handled effectively and avoid getting lost. Regularly scheduled team meetings, newsletters, and status reports are excellent avenues for sharing information with your team. Utilize video conferences, email, project management tools, and internal social media platforms to keep the lines of communication open.

Implement an Efficient Feedback System

Feedback is the fuel that drives improvement. Establish an efficient feedback system where team members regularly provide input, suggestions, and constructive criticism. Make it a two-way process by offering feedback to your team as well. Constructive feedback fosters growth, motivates individuals, and enhances overall performance.

Leverage Technology

In today’s digital age, technology plays a crucial role in communication. Invest in communication tools and platforms to streamline interactions within your organization. Project management software, instant messaging apps, and video conferencing tools make remote work and collaboration more efficient. Embrace technology enhancements to bolster your communication structure.

Promote Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Collaboration across departments leads to enhanced communication and efficiency. Encourage your team members to share knowledge beyond their areas of expertise. Cross-departmental projects and teams broaden perspectives, improve problem-solving, and foster a cohesive work environment.

Train Employees on Effective Communication Techniques

Effective communication should be a skillset honed by all team members. Conduct regular training sessions on active listening, conflict resolution, and empathy. Equipping employees with strong communication skills creates a workforce that thrives on clear and impactful interactions.

Monitor and Refine Your Communication Structure

Creating a communication structure is an ongoing process. Monitor its effectiveness regularly by seeking feedback from your team and analyzing metrics such as response times and clarity of information. Be open to making adjustments and improvements based on feedback. Remember, communication is dynamic, so your structure should be too.

By creating a well-structured communication system within your organization, you’re setting yourself up for success. Clear objectives, open dialogue, and efficient feedback mechanisms foster a harmonious work environment where everyone can thrive. Embrace technology and encourage cross-departmental collaboration to leverage the power of diverse perspectives.

Need help with understanding the communication styles of your team members?  Go here to invest in a Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator, and contact me if you want to dive deep into your results. Develop that effective structure for communication in your organization and lead well!


– Harvard Business Review: “The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback”

© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work

Swift Influence

I don’t have daughters, I am a fan of football and I wouldn’t know anything about Taylor Swift except for people I know who have daughters and the media.  Am I just jumping on the bandwagon to talk about her?


I was going to check one of my e-mail accounts and came across an article1 on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s relationship affecting viewership and the economic impact.  This got me thinking.  What is making her such an influence other than the amplification by the media?

A Story

What makes great movies great?  If they are truly great, they have action for the males and romance for the females.  My favorite movie is Braveheart, and this is a story of leadership, adventure, fighting . . . and love.  Maybe that is why my wife doesn’t mind watching it.

People are drawn to stories.  Some of the greatest communicators realize this and use stories to drive their points home.  Whether someone is a Chiefs/Kelce fan or a “Swifty” they are getting caught up in the story and intrigued by it.

What story or adventure are you inviting your team into as a leader?  This story is a source of great influence and purpose for people and even better when your people are the heroes of the story . . . not you as the leader.

A Pressure

The Kelce brothers have a successful podcast and have been part of Super Bowl winning teams.  Taylor Swift has a large following.  These facts impact their ability to create influence by harnessing two influence tools.

One of the tools of influence Dr. Robert Cialdini references in his book Influence2 is likeability.  Many factors go into likeability such as appearance and similarity, but the bottom line is people follow those they like.  In their book Influencer3 Grenny, Patterson, et al. discuss the power of social influence and how respect and connection are required to create a sense of peer pressure.

The second factor of the Swift influence is people like both her and Travis.  Both also have created communities where people feel connected to them.  People respect them because of their success.

All these are factors every leader can use ethically.  When you connect with those you lead and exemplify getting results apart from your position people begin to like you, and word spreads you are a leader to listen to.  Over time, just like Travis and Taylor people have followed them because of the influence of others.

A System

Grenny and his colleagues explain that to create change, people must create systems and processes to support vital behaviors.  There is genuine, but strategic influence in this story we are seeing.  People are interested in the story, but as alluded to in the article I read to trigger this post, systems and processes within media and possibly elsewhere amplify the influence.  This is not about whether it is right or wrong, but if we observe we can see that an intentional process is in place to keep us aware of their relationship because of the momentum it creates for the NFL, viewership, and other aspects referenced in the article.

As a leader, our biggest system is the culture of our organization.  Culture will either promote or hinder your influence.  The “Swifty” culture has amplified the NFL to people who rarely pay attention.  Leaders can create a culture that promotes the direction they are leading the team, or the culture can detract from where they are trying to lead.

Take a minute and look at your vision.  What is the story you are telling?  How is it engaging your team or even attracting people to you or is it not?  What could you do to ethically leverage peer pressure and create systems to increase your influence?  Are you unclear on the story you are trying to tell and your vision?  Contact me for a strategic thinking partner session to help you think into your vision and how you can inspire others to be more committed to where you are leading them.  Lead Well.

© 2023 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

  1. “Taylor Swift helped boost ratings, but her influence extends far beyond the league”, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/taylor-swift-helped-boost-nfl-ratings-but-her-power-extends-far-beyond-the-league-180303062.html retrieved 10/5/23
  2. Cialdini, Robert. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.  Harpers Collins: NY, 2007.
  3. Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., Switzler, A. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. McGraw Hill: NY, 2008
Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Others