Peter’s Failure

Imagine you are eating with your closest friend and he says to you that in his time of greatest need you are going to reject him.  Not just reject him, but deny you even know him.

Some friend you are.  Of course you reject that idea outright and tell him “no way!”

Then the time comes.  The authorities come to arrest your friend who you know is completely innocent, but you are scared.  Out of sheer panic you land a punch on someone in the group that is arresting your friend.

Your friend is saddened by this because he sees no need for violence.  You are infuriated though and want to protect him because you’ve been with him every day for the past three years!  You have left everything to join him on his mission.

You settle down and are both sad and scared as your friend is hauled off by these guards.  Carefully you sneak along and watch what happens.  Your friend is spat on, slapped, and beaten almost to the point of death.

While he is on trial people recognize you as one of his friends.  Out of fear you deny your relationship not once, but three times.  Something happens after that third denial that reminds you what your friend said.  Tears stream down your face at the realization of your failure as a friend.

The failure is not the end.

After being beaten and eventually suffering a terrible death a miracle happens.  You see your friend again, but are ashamed and embarrassed.  The shame does not come from your friend though.  He invites you back into a relationship.

Not only does he invite you into a relationship, but gives you a purpose far bigger than you ever had.  You are empowered with confidence which leads to boldness.  This boldness makes you, Peter, a formidable leader in a movement that sweeps across the area and eventually the world.

What would have happened if Peter failed and quit?

What if Peter just hung it up and said “I failed, so I am a failure.”

He didn’t.

He embraced the forgiveness he was given and accepted the purpose he was entrusted with.  He boldly went forth with power from a source outside himself to be a courageous leader.

Failure did not keep Peter down and neither should it you.

I don’t know where you have failed either professionally or personally, but just like Peter got up.  Just like many others after him did not stay down.  You are not a failure because you failed so get up leader and keep leading.

Be certain of your purpose and vision.  Continue to lead imperfectly and fulfill the purpose you were entrusted with.  Just as Peter’s denial was not a fatal failure, neither is yours.  Whether Easter is your thing or not it is a time to remember what may seem like a fatal failure at first may be step one to an amazing purpose and victory.  Lead Well.

© 2022 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Yourself