Red, White and Blue Leadership

As we celebrate the freedom our forefathers fought to provide over two hundred years ago, I reflected on the significance of the colors on our flag.  Three colors.  Each with a meaning.

Not long ago I learned marketing experts employ psychological reasons in choosing colors.  Not only did I research the significance of each color on the flag, but also the marketing significance.  As I explore the meaning behind each color permit me to reflect on leadership qualities they also teach us.


The significance of this color is valor and bravery.  From a marketing perspective this color denotes excitement, passion, danger, energy and action.  Our founding fathers saw the danger in the fight they were pursuing to be freed from the tyranny of the British.  In spite of the obvious danger a burning passion fueled by valor and bravery pushed them forward.

As a leader you have a passion for what you lead whether at work, home, or in the community.  Some days you may feel like you are alone in that pursuit.  In the beginning you often felt alone before you formed a team.  In these dark moments, leaders tap into their passion to move ahead bravely even in light of the possibility of complete failure.


This color represents purity and innocence.  Marketers use this color to denote peace, calm, hope, and comfort.  I imagine what drove the founders of this nation to fight for freedom was not a lust for power, but a pure and innocent desire to live a life that no longer experienced oppression.  Through the blood they shed we as a country experience a country founded on peace, hope, and purity.

Leaders must check their motives often to guard against the temptations of power and control.  These powerful tempters can lead us astray and distract the team we lead.  Take a moment and consider the motives behind the agenda you are pursuing.  Is it for personal gain or for the good of everyone?  When we put others first, we often have pure and innocent intentions.


I have frequently heard leadership expert John Maxwell say anything worthwhile is uphill.  This color represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.  Marketers use it to convey trust and reliability.  As the founding fathers gained their freedom they must have recognized this uphill climb and included blue as a reminder to be vigilant to protect the freedom they fought for.

Watching is one thing, but we also must continue to move forward toward the goal amidst continual challenges.  Our nation continues to watch, persevere, and fight for what is right to be a beacon of trust and reliability.  This is true for leaders at work, home, and in our communities.  We must persevere to fight for what is right and true and continually press on toward the goal we are compelled and given to pursue.  The climb is hard but continue to daily take the next step.

Those who continue to fight for our freedom.  Thank you.  Those who are fighting your own battles in what you lead I hope this encourages you to continue to be brave, pure, and persevere.  You have what it takes to lead what you have been entrusted with.  Lead Well.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Others