New Year . . . New You

One of my good habits is that I exercise in the morning every week day.  In all truth I exercise to help my eating addiction.  If I were really disciplined I’d quit eating sweets which are my downfall.  Anyway . . . at the beginning of every year I find it very entertaining the huge influx in the local health clubs.

This is great for businesses, but by February the gyms that were overflowing have now returned to a normal state.  Part of me chuckles and part of me is saddened by this reality.  I chuckle at the consistency of this occurrence, but I am saddened by the reality this is a snapshot of many of our lives.

As I said I have a weakness for sweets.  Pretty much anything with chocolate or sugar in general gets me.  I know these are terrible for me, but they taste so goooood.  I want to change the habit and decrease my amount of sugar consumption, but then I hit the “change wall.”

The “change wall” is that barrier we hit and are terrified to go through because we don’t know what life will be like on the other side.  We have two choices when faced with the need to change:

  1. Embrace – Will we see the change as an opportunity to grow and develop into a better version of ourselves?
  2. Resist – Will we just stay comfortable and remain the same therefore not reaching our full potential?

This idea of change has been highlighted in books such as Who Moved My Cheese or Our Iceberg Is Melting which are both parables on how to lead or handle change.  These can help us with the nuances of leading  others through change and our personal response to change, but it all comes down to the two options above.

As we enter into a new year maybe these two ideas will help you have more success this year in implementing positive changes than you did last year.

  1. Choose the right attitude. Whether we embrace or resist change is a choice we make that starts in our mind with our attitude.  Staying the same feels easier, but in the end will we reach our full potential?  Are we limiting our personal capacity because of our mindset?  Courageously, with faith, take the first step into the change that will help you become who you were meant to be.
  2. Develop the right habit. As we move in the direction of the correct mindset we have to develop a habit.  The individuals that succeed in their resolution to exercise put it on their schedule and commit to the habit of doing the exercise regularly as a consistent habit.  At first it may just be one day a week, but over time the habit grows until it becomes routine.

Change is hard.  Why do people hire personal trainers in the beginning?  They need accountability and the investment provides that accountability and helps with their attitude and habits.  Maybe there is something in your life and you need to break through your “change wall”, but that will require someone else to help you think into the changes you need to make either personally or professionally with your business/work.  If that describes you, contact me and let’s have a complimentary coaching session to see if I can help you grow into the best leader you can be at work and home this year.  Break through the wall this year and reach your capacity!

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Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead Yourself