I was sitting across the coffee table from an individual who is passionate about helping people reach their full potential in their wellness. This man had spent years in another industry, but through his personal journey and tapping into his passion he walks a different path now with his company Alignment Nutrition.
Jeremiah is a certified health coach who continually learns and grows in understanding of his industry and craft. Awhile back he took a leap away from the monotony he was experiencing in his job to launch out and build a business helping change people’s view on themselves and specifically their view on food and nutrition.
As we talked I wanted to learn his perspective on leadership as it relates to health and fitness.
Jeremiah suggests four areas of our lives help create balance. As we seek to bring reasonable balance to these areas our overall well-being improves. He recognizes we will never be in perfect balance and there is a constant ebb and flow of these areas even in one day let alone our lifetime.
Spiritual – this can be as simple as creating quite-time or thinking time
Relational/Emotional – are we aware of our personal mindset and how it impacts those we interact with daily?
Passion – look at your heart. I have heard the questions: what makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you sing? Answer these questions clearly and you will have greater clarity on your true passion.
Physical – This area Jeremiah focuses on the most in his business as all other areas are manifested in our physical care. If we are not right in the other areas then others will sense that in your in our physical appearance and the energy we exude.
I asked Jeremiah to provide insight on how he leads himself in these four areas. The following were some of his thoughts:
- Surround yourself with the right people. This is a factor of self-leadership and one way he leads himself is by bringing three types of people into his life: coaches, mentors, and accountability partners. All three play a role in helping him continually move toward his goals.
- Intentionality. In order to maintain this balance Jeremiah chooses to block time to engage with his family. He also intentionally invests time in developing, learning, and growing his business acumen.
- Habits. Whether the physical discipline of exercise, proper nutrition, etc. or mental discipline of daily moving toward his goal Jeremiah cultivates habits that help him progress in balance. Although he is very disciplined Jeremiah encourages himself and others to “give yourself grace when it is not perfect.” Changing habits takes time, give yourself room to grow.
As we concluded our time together he shared some insightful thoughts that may help us as we pursue our goals. We all want to live a fulfilling and purpose-filled life but as Jeremiah reminded me through an idea many of us have heard: “until the pain of change is less than the pain of remaining the same, you will remain the same.”
Growth requires change and change is not easy and Jeremiah reminded me of a key truth.
We ask for success, but then prepare for failure.
Move in the direction of success today by preparing and expecting it. Battle those limiting beliefs with truth. Provide yourself with a framework for success and accountability. Need help with any of this? If you need help thinking into your leadership results contact me. If you want help with your health and fitness results learn more about Alignment Nutrition Coaching with Jeremiah and become the person you were created to be. Lead well.
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