Car Repair Leadership

As I sat in his office I could tell there was a reason he owned multiple car repair shops.  Instead of books on one of his bookshelves there were classic toy cars.  I was sitting in the office of a man who had gone from owning one Meineke store to six within seven years.

This is no small task so I wanted to learn from him about leadership, specifically how to lead well as you are growing your business.  We talked about multiple aspects of his business such as the change in thinking that needed to occur going from one store to three and how he had to let go of trying to control everything or he would hinder the organization’s growth.  The has realized more he grows the more critical it is that he empowers key people.

When I asked what that looks like he said:  “Know when 80% is good enough.”  For a leader someone else may not do it 100% as well as you, but if they do it 80% as well and meet the goals then you are freeing yourself to lead more.  Not only that, but you are helping the employee develop their leadership skills as they grow and close that gap between 80% and 100%.

Below are Scott’s three keys to leadership for his organization:

  1. Higher standards than those you hire. This does not mean you look for low standards, but as the leader you should constantly be raising the bar on what you expect of yourself and those you lead.  As I heard this it demonstrates leadership expert John Maxwell’s “Law of the Lid” which states your effectiveness can be no greater than your leadership level.  If as leaders we accept mediocre work then those who follow us will work below that level and those that expect more than the leader expects will leave.
  2. Integrity and Personal Responsibility. In an industry where it can be the norm to be less than completely truthful Scott expects himself and his employees to accept responsibility for actions and be consistent between actions and words.  A very practical way he tries to demonstrate this integrity is how he sets up his shops.  If at all possible he will make the facility feel open and even provide windows so customers can see in the work space.
    1. This was not explicitly stated by Scott, but I saw it as a method to develop the second value.  He shared about times that work has been not done completely right and says he accepts the blame first by stating “what can I do to help this not happen?” and often his employees will take ownership for their part in the problem as well.  After this they fix the problem, learn and grow.  In order to build trust both with employees and customers, he expects transparent communication.  Scott models this to his employees by confronting issues that need to be addressed internally in a manner that still respects his employees.
  3. Setting up Infrastructure. Since he works in an environment where equipment working properly is critical this is a high priority in his leadership.  As the leader he feels a responsibility to create a physical environment that enables his employees to work effectively and efficiently and does not want his lack of resourcing them to create unnecessary challenges for them.  As I listened, this is similar to the responsibility other leaders have to establish systems and processes for effective work and communication.

What about you?  As you look at leading your team, organization or home how are you doing in these areas?  Are you frustrated with the standards those you lead are living at . . . is it because you have allowed your standards to slip?  Are you willing to accept responsibility and model humility and integrity?  How do you need to improve your infrastructure to improve your results?  Wherever you need to grow, take the first step today and lead well at work and home.

© 2018 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work

Three Leadership Principles from a Small Business Leader

As I sit in a comfortable orange rolling office chair I am across from the CEO of Imavex which is an Indianapolis area based technology and digital marketing organization.  Gerald Stanley and his business partner Steve Burzynski have allowed me to invade their day to learn about their company, but more importantly, to me, how they lead it well.

Gerald is a man of many hats.  He is the CEO of this organization, helps coach a high school football team, serves on the board of a faith-based non-profit organization called Hands of Hope and is the father of he and his wife’s four children two of which they adopted from another country.  With all that and the family friendly travel baseball organization Orange Baseball as well as One Orphan Foundation that he and his business partner founded I think he is either crazy or a great leader.  By the end of our conversation I realized he was definitely the latter.

As we talked Mr. Stanley explained to me three foundational principles that guide not only his leadership, but the organization as a whole.

  1. Entrepreneurial – As an established organization that has been serving clients since 2001 they do not want to get stale and apathetic so they strive to take appropriate risks to help the organization grow.  At times those risks do not work, but from my observations during our conversation these men learn and grow from mistakes instead of letting them define them and get them stuck.  In true entrepreneurial fashion he understands the process of risk, fail, learn, change, and do it all again.
  2. Servant Leaders – Both Gerald and Steve model servant leadership which is demonstrated in how they treat employees and structure their organization.  Steve entered our meeting and I asked him what his three key leadership principles were and each principle defines what both men model as servant leaders:  be genuine because it earns respect, be consistent as it earns credibility, be empathetic because it helps you connect and builds trust.  These are not just theory, but practice for these two men and are foundational to their business culture.
  3. Ownership – When he explained how their organization is structured this ownership idea was clearly evident.  In their company three values drive their strategy and they have flattened their structure in a manner that these values are driven not by them, but by the employees.  In each area an employee leads the growth and is equipped to bring results.  This ownership is evidenced in another way.  Both them as leaders and those they lead are accountable to each other and when there are mistakes in projects they have an organizational culture that expects people to take responsibility for their actions and make the appropriate adjustments.

One last question I asked them was how they develop leaders in their organization and the answer came in the form of an expectation:  bring solutions not problems.  I am not sure where you are in your leadership journey, but with those you lead are you a task master or servant?  Are you still taking risks or is something holding you back and maybe even need help thinking into those challenges?  Do you exemplify the traits of a servant leader and own what you have been entrusted with both when things go well and poorly?  What is one way you can grow as a leader after learning these ideas?  Lead well both at work and home and let me know how I can help you on the journey.

©2018 Wheeler Coaching Systems, All Rights Reserved

Posted by Randy Wheeler in Lead at Work