What My Wife Teaches Me About Leadership

Where do we find some of the strongest leaders in the world?  In our own homes.  I was reflecting on leadership as I tend to do because that is my thing.  Since today is Mother’s Day I thought I’d write a list of the top five things my wife teaches me about leadership . . . in no particular order.


One of the major times I realized my selfishness was when I got married, but when my children were born this realization was amplified.  My wife on the other hand, has amplified the opposite.  As each child arrived her example of selflessly serving our children has grown.  I could list many ways I see that in her, but that would take too much time.  She is a model of servant leadership in everything she does for our family.


We have three boys and they are full of lots of energy.  Not only does my wife patiently discipline them, serve them, and meet their various needs, but she also demonstrates extreme patience with me.  Because of her patience, she is able to capitalize on teachable moments to help each of our boys grow into men of great character as I know my own mother did for me.

Leadership requires being out in front and providing vision, but also patience to slow down enough to allow others to understand and adapt.  All of this requires the same patience my wife and many other mothers model daily.


This was modeled three times for nine plus months.  I cannot begin to imagine carrying a human being and all the changes that occur.  I’m a wimp and probably would have wanted to quit within the first trimester’s sickness.  Whether getting up in the middle of the night, taking care of sick children, or simply persisting in trying to provide the best for our children’s individual needs my wife is a model of perseverance.

Accomplishing any goal requires perseverance.  If the goal is worthwhile, it will not happen easily and will require leaders to demonstrate perseverance.


When someone gets hurt around our home they run to mom, not me.  This is because of the amount of compassion and care my wife demonstrates toward our children.  This great compassion she models as a leader is necessary for our children to feel safe.

As leaders if those we lead know we care about them they will try harder.  When others feel safe and cared about by their leader this empowers them to take risks that help them and the organization or team to grow.

Unconditional Love

My wife demonstrates compassion on steroids by her unconditional love.  I see this most by how often she forgives the most self-centered male in the home (me).  This love provides a safe environment for open and honest communication among all family members.

When those we lead know they are valued no matter what they say, leaders get more candid feedback.  Honest feedback that is positive or negative is easier to provide when unconditional love is the norm.

What about you?  Of these five areas, where do you need to grow most in your leadership?  Need someone to come alongside you to help you think into your leadership results?  Contact me to schedule a powerful coaching experience today so I can help you think into your leadership results.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler