What My Wife Unknowingly Taught Me About Leadership

One night I asked my wife to read one-page of my personal DISC assessment to give me feedback if she thought it sounded like me.  She read it and gave some feedback and said now you have to watch this thirty-minute video with me.

I must admit I feel I got the short end of the deal, but little did I realize she was introducing me to the opportunity to learn from an amazing leader.  My wife has been involved with Young Living for quite awhile, but I never realized how great a leader the founder of the organization was.

Allow me to share with you some of the wisdom I learned from this interview Scott Shuler of ManUpProject had with Gary Young.

Self-worth keeps you from quitting.

As a leader when you are pursuing a vision many voices internally and externally will discourage you.  Some of those voices may be those closest to you therefore we must understand our worth personally and be confident.

Dream or Vision?

During this interview Gary Young provided an illustration.  Imagine you just had a vivid dream.  You wake up, but did you forget it?  Maybe instead you wrote down all the details so you would not forget it.  The difference, a dream fades, but a vision sticks.  Which are you leading others to pursue?

Nice and passion.

Many of us have heard the phrase that “nice guys finish last.”  Gary would argue that nice guys finish where their passion lies.  Whether in business or life if a person operates with honesty and integrity they can finish where they want.  May passion be supported by the leader’s honesty and integrity.

Passion or Excitement.

A gas grill often has an ignitor people use to start the fire.  This ignitor Young would say is excitement . . . quick and sudden.  Add gas to the ignitor spark and then the entire grill is full of fire.  Young suggests that a leader’s passion fuels the excitement.  What is the gas you are adding to fuel your vision?

Business and Family.

Young suggests we pursue our dream at a pace which will be good for everyone involved.  We may have an idea, but if those closest to us are not supportive of the dream problems arise.  In a respectful way we can sell our family on the idea and go at a pace that works for all involved.

These are only a few of the ideas I gathered from this brief interview.  What about you?  Do you know who you are as a person?  Is your vision clear?  How is your passion level?  What do you need to do in order to refuel?  How are those you love involved in your vision . . . do you need to adjust your pace so you don’t lose those closest to you?  I hope these principles have been as valuable to you as they were to me.  If you want help thinking into your results feel free to contact me.  If you want to learn more about Young Living and all they do, contact me and put “Young Living” in the subject.  In the meantime, keep pursuing your dream and lead well.

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Posted by Randy Wheeler